Youth party members in Hong Kong: An overview

Hoi Yu NG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Youth political participation in Hong Kong has drawn much public and scholarly attention in recent years. However, most of the studies focus on giving a general picture of youth political attitudes and behaviours through surveys or studying young activists engaged in protests and social movements. There is little research on young people engaging in institutionalized forms of participation such as party activism. To help fill this research gap, this paper offers a brief overview of youth party membership in Hong Kong through document studies, a small-scale survey, and in-depth interviews with a sample of young party members. Specifically, this paper explores four research questions: (1) How many young party members are there in Hong Kong? (2) What are their social characteristics? (3) How do they become party members? (4) What do they do in their parties?
青年人的政治參與近年吸引不少公眾人士和學者的關注,但大多數研究只利用問卷調查呈現青年人的政治態度和行為的總體狀況,或集中關注參與示威和社會運動的活躍分子。鮮有研究嘗試特意探究透過政黨政治等制度化途徑參與政治的年青人。有鑑於此,本文嘗試利用文件研究,小型問卷調查和深入訪談等方法來了解香港年青人參與政黨的基本狀況。本文之研 究問題有四:一、香港有多少年青政黨成員?二、這些年青黨員有什麼社會特徵?三、這些年青黨員是如何入黨的?四、這些年青黨員在黨內參與什麼活動? Copyright © 2015 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-122
JournalJournal of Youth Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015


Ng, H. Y. (2015). Youth party members in Hong Kong: An overview. Journal of Youth Studies, 18(2), 103-122.


  • Hong Kong
  • Politics
  • Youth
  • Institutionalized participation
  • 政治
  • 政治參與
  • 青年人
  • 香港
  • Alt. title: 香港年青政黨成員之特徵概觀


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