What have the young children learned through the new Hong Kong Movement-Music Curriculum Program from the researcher’s view?

Shu Sing Paul WONG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Movement and music are the essential elements in early childhood curriculum. Young children learn to communicate with the world through movement and music. Also, young children learn to express themselves through movement and music. Therefore, the physical development and aesthetic development are two of the four key developmental objectives of the new Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum (Curriculum Development Council, 2006) for young children in Hong Kong. The purposes of the paper aim to examine the constraints of implementation of movement-music (M&M) curriculum in Hong Kong. The constraints cover the aspects in: curriculum guide, teacher education, professional support, curriculum & resources; and parents’ expectation. Secondly, based on a new Creative Integrative Movement-Music Curriculum Framework (CIMMCF) for young children, it analyzes and describes the total learning of young children through the eight forms of multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983, 1999) in a kindergarten after the participation of the program. From the researcher’s view young children’s holistic development in physique, ethics, intellect, aesthetics and socio-emotion skills may be promoted through the M&M program. Finally, the paper addresses some recommendations on the implementations of the CIMMCF in the early childhood settings in Hong Kong.
肢體動作與音樂是幼兒課程的最重要元素。幼兒透過肢體動作與音樂去學習與他們的周邊世界溝通,而且,他們也學習利用肢體動作與音樂去表達個人的思想與感受。因此,「身體」和「美感」,是《學前教育課程指引》列出的四項幼兒發展目標之其中兩項。本文章包括三大目的,首先是探究幼兒教師在推行「肢體動作與音樂課程」時遇到的困難,而四大主要困難是︰課程指引、教師教育、專業支援、課程與資源和家長期望。其次,建基在「創意綜合式幼兒肢體音樂課程架構」,文章分析和描述在香港的個案研究資料,並闡述幼兒從該個架構設計的「肢體動作與音樂」活動所學到的全人發展—多元智能 (Gardner, 1983;1999) 。從研究者的觀察和分析,幼兒在「肢體動作與音樂課程」活動可能學習到六育 (德、智、體、羣、美、情) 。最後,文章提出四項如何在香港推行「肢體動作與音樂課程」的建議。 Copyright © 2011 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)48-65
JournalHong Kong Journal of Early Childhood
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011


Wong, S. S. P. (2011). What have the young children learned through the new Hong Kong Movement-Music Curriculum Program from the researcher’s view? Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(1), 48-65.


  • Alt. title: 從研究者觀察幼兒在香港嶄新的肢體-音樂課程學到甚麼?


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