Views from somewhere: Situated knowledges and partial perspectives in a Hong Kong kindergarten classroom

Mindy BLAISE, Wai Man Vivienne LEUNG, Chunrong SUN

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This article demonstrates an engaged situated methodology by drawing from an exploratory study of literacy activities in a Hong Kong kindergarten classroom. Bringing together feminist understandings of situated knowledges and Asian critical cultural studies ideas about 'Asia as method', the authors recognize that all aspects of knowledge production are situated individually and globally. The authors work with their different positionalities by dialoguing across partial viewpoints. This strategy of inter-referencing begins to blur hierarchical and binary thinking about insider/outsider perspectives and Western/Chinese pedagogies. Working with dialoguing and inter-referencing across partial perspectives, the authors enact de-colonizing and de-imperializing methodologies to develop new reflexive and transformative knowledge practices. Copyright © 2013 SYMPOSIUM JOURNALS Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12-25
JournalGlobal Studies of Childhood
Issue number1
Early online dateJan 2013
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2013


Blaise, M., Leung, W. M. V., & Sun, C. (2013). Views from somewhere: Situated knowledges and partial perspectives in a Hong Kong kindergarten classroom. Global Studies of Childhood, 3(1), 12-25.


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