Validation of scores from self-learning scales for primary students using true-score and Rasch measurement methods

Magdalena Mo Ching MOK

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The validation of scores from the Self-learning Scales for primary pupils is presented in this study. The sample for the study comprised 1253 pupils from 20 year-3 and 20 Year-5 classes from ten primary schools in Hong Kong. The 10-item Usefulness Scale is designed to measure primary pupils’ attitudes toward the usefulness of self-learning strategies situated in ten learning contexts. The 10-item Deployment Scale is designed to measure pupils’ frequency in using the self-learning strategies. Both scales use 3-point Likert response scale. Construct validity of scores from the scales for use with primary pupils is supported by confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch measurement. Gender and year level differences were identified on the Rasch person measures. Generalizability of the scores from the two scales across gender and year level needs to be undertaken with caution. Copyright © 2004 Journal of Applied Measurement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)258-286
JournalJournal of Applied Measurement
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2004


Mok, M. M. C. (2004). Validation of scores from self-learning scales for primary students using true-score and Rasch measurement methods. Journal of Applied Measurement, 5(3), 258-286.


  • Primary Education
  • Development of Disciplinary Knowledge (e.g. Sociology, Psychology)
  • 運用真分數和羅氏測量方法對小學生自學量表的分數驗證研究


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