Using tag-neighbors for query expansion in medical information retrieval

Frederico DURAO, Karunakar BAYYAPU, Guandong XU, Peter DOLOG, Ricardo LAGE

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

5 Citations (Scopus)


In the context of medical document retrieval, users often under-specified queries lead to undesired search results that suffer from not containing the information they seek, inadequate domain knowledge matches and unreliable sources. To overcome the limitations of under-specified queries, we utilize tags to enhance information retrieval capabilities by expanding users' original queries with context-relevant information. We compute a set of significant tag neighbor candidates based on the neighbor frequency and weight, and utilize the most frequent and weighted neighbors to expand an entry query that has terms matching tags. The proposed approach is evaluated using MedWorm medical article collection and standard evaluation methods from the text retrieval conference (TREC). We compared the baseline of 0.353 for Mean Average Precision (MAP), reaching a MAP 0.491 (+39%) with the query expansion. In-depth analysis shows how this strategy is beneficial when compared with different ranks of the retrieval results. Copyright © 2011 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2011 International Conference on Information Science and Applications, ICISA 2011
Place of PublicationDanvers, MA
ISBN (Print)9781424492244
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Durao, F., Bayyapu, K., Xu, G., Dolog, P., & Lage, R. (2011). Using tag-neighbors for query expansion in medical information retrieval. In 2011 International Conference on Information Science and Applications, ICISA 2011. IEEE.


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