Using multidimensional Rasch to enhance measurement precision: Initial results from simulation and empirical studies

Magdalena Mo Ching MOK, Kun Jacob XU

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2 Citations (Scopus)


This study aimed to explore the effect on measurement precision of multidimensional, as compared with unidimensional, Rasch measurement for constructing measures from multidimensional Likert-type scales. Many educational and psychological tests are multidimensional but common practice is to ignore correlations among the latent traits in these multidimensional scales in the measurement process. These practices may have serious validity and reliability implications. This study made use of both empirical data from 208,083 students, and simulated data simulated by 24 systematic combinations, each replicated 1000 times, of three conditions, namely, sample size, degree of dimensionality, and scale length to compare unidimensional and multidimensional approaches and to identify effects of sample size, dimensionality and scale length on measurement precision. Results showed that the multidimensional Rasch approach yielded more precise estimates than did unidimensional approach if the two dimensions were strongly correlated. The effect was more pronounced for long scales. Copyright © 2013 Journal of Applied Measurement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-43
JournalJournal of Applied Measurement
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


Mok, M. M. C., & Xu, K. (2013). Using multidimensional Rasch to enhance measurement precision: Initial results from simulation and empirical studies. Journal of Applied Measurement, 14(1), 27-43.


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