Using kinesthetic movement and gesture to facilitate and improve choral singing In Hong Kong schools

Bo Wah LEUNG, Wai Ying Paulina WONG, Wai Ching Zerlina WONG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Choral singing in Hong Kong schools has been developing for over four decades. Nowadays most of the schools own their choirs for performances and competitions. However, the teaching methods of choral conducting in Hong Kong are in lack of formal research and documentation. Many music teachers tend to work on their own without seeking for improvement through research, workshops, seminars and conferences at a large extent. Meanwhile, applying kinesthetic movement and gesture (KMG) has been advocated in other overseas countries for a period of time and significant teaching effectiveness has been noticed. After reviewing the relevant literature as a background, this study therefore aims at investigating the present situation of applying KMG in Hong Kong schools by a questionnaire survey. In addition, three semi-structured interviews were conducted to seek the opinions and personal experiences of three pioneer music teachers who have been applying KMG for 10 to 24 years. Findings from the questionnaire survey reveal that those music teachers who apply KMG in their choral teaching admitted that they found KMG very effective in various ways such as relaxation while singing. Furthermore, the three interviewees have provided a number of concrete examples of applying KMG in teaching children to understand musical elements, and developing their vocal skills and choral skills. These findings provide implications on how music teachers should teach in their choral activities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004


Leung, B. W., Wong, P., & Wong, Z. (2004, July). Using kinesthetic movement and gesture to facilitate and improve choral singing In Hong Kong schools. Paper presented at the 26th International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference on Music Education, Tenerife, Spain.


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