Using interactive whiteboard (IWB) to enhance learning and teaching in Hong Kong schools

Fong Lok LEE, Sai Wing PUN, Siu Cheung LI, Siu Cheung KONG, Wai Hung IP

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Interactive whiteboard (IWB) has been widely used as a learning tool in the western classrooms since 1991. Many researchers reported that the technology benefits students by increasing their engagement in classroom activities, arousing learners’ motivation and helping with their knowledge retention. Hong Kong, as a Chinese society has its unique learning culture and environment, what benefits western students may not apply there. It is therefore worthwhile to explore the usefulness of IWB in Hong Kong schools. This paper reports on the research of what benefits can bring to Hong Kong students through the teaching with IWB. Result of this study shows that in general teachers and students in Hong Kong welcome the use of IWB in their classrooms. Copyright © 2006 IOS Press.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLearning by effective utilization of technologies: Facilitating intercultural understanding
EditorsRiichiro MIZOGUCHI, Pierre DILLENBOURG, Zhiting ZHU
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherIOS Press
ISBN (Print)9781586036874, 1586036874
Publication statusPublished - 2006


Lee, F.-L., Pun, S.-W., Li, S. S.-C., Kong, S.-C., & Ip, W.-H. (2006). Using interactive whiteboards (IWB) to enhance learning and teaching in Hong Kong schools. In R. Mizoguchi, P. Dillenbourg & Z. Zhu (Eds.), Learning by effective utilization of technologies: Facilitating intercultural understanding (pp. 439-442). Amsterdam: IOS Press.


  • Interactive whiteboards (IWB)
  • Learning and teaching
  • Hong Kong


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