Using biogeographical dataset to infer the connectivity of communities under the influence of oceanic currents: preliminary results on Sargassum in the northwestern Pacific

Chi Chiu CHEANG, Put O. Jr ANG, Ka Hou CHU

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016
EventThe 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PCS-23): “Science, Technology and Innovation: Building a Sustainable Future in Asia and the Pacific” - Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Duration: 13 Jun 201617 Jun 2016


ConferenceThe 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PCS-23): “Science, Technology and Innovation: Building a Sustainable Future in Asia and the Pacific”
Abbreviated titlePSC2016
Country/TerritoryTaiwan, Province of China


Cheang, C.C., Ang, P.O., & Chu, K.O. (2016, June). Using biogeographical dataset to infer the connectivity of communities under the influence of oceanic currents: preliminary results on Sargassum in the northwestern Pacific. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress, Taipei.