Urban education: Views from 3 continents: A response

Lejf MOOS, Yin Cheong CHENG, Theo WUBBELS, Belmira BUENO, Aslam FATAAR, Ricardo CUENCA

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The symposium is sponsored by the World Educational Research Association (WERA), an association of national, regional, and international specialty research associations including EERA. WERA wants to advance education research as a scientific and scholarly field and undertakes initiatives that are global in nature and thus transcend what any one association can accomplish in its own country, region, or area of specialization. The theme for the ECER conference among others says: “Cities have always been regarded as leading elements in Europe; they are modern, progressive and networked. They are producers and traders; they are medium for political and cultural development.” This WERA symposium broadens this European perspective on cities to include experiences from Mexico, Chile, Peru, Brasil and South Africa.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2011
EventEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2011: "Urban Education" - Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 12 Sept 201116 Sept 2011


ConferenceEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2011: "Urban Education"
Abbreviated titleECER 2011
Internet address


Moos, L., Cheng, Y.-c., Wubbels, T., Bueno, B., Fataar, A., & Cuenca. R. (2011, September). Urban education: Views from 3 continents: A response. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research 2011 (ECER 2011), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.


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