Understandings and teaching approaches of nationalistic education: The case of Hong Kong

Yan Wing LEUNG

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The findings in this research indicate three categories of teaching approaches in regard to nationalistic education in Hong Kong. Teachers with a more eclectic understanding of nationalistic education are more inclined towards education for cosmopolitan and civic nationalism and usually adopt teaching strategies reflecting liberal values, with the aim of cultivating "critical patriots". Teachers whose understanding equated with totalitarian nationalism usually adopted teaching approaches of an indoctrinatory nature which would more likely lead to the suppression of critical thinking. Teachers whose understanding inclined more to education for cultural nationalism usually adopted a diverse mix of affective and cognitive approaches. This article examines the three categories of nationalistic education approaches before concluding that education for cosmopolitan, civic and cultural nationalism, coupled with a mix of critical thinking, issues based, civic participatory and affective approaches are best for developing liberal nationalistic education most suited to a cosmopolitan city like Hong Kong. Copyright © 2007 Pacific Circle Consortium for Education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)72-89
JournalPacific-Asian Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2007


Leung, Y. W. (2007). Understandings and teaching approaches of nationalistic education: The case of Hong Kong. Pacific-Asian Education, 19(1), 72-89.


  • Secondary Education
  • Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning


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