Understanding and fostering creativity in the school context

Ming Fai Margaret HUI

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Creativity as a generic skill identified in the key learning areas of the school curriculum has received unprecedented attention. Many schools in the Chinese regions, particularly in Hong Kong, have attempted to implement creativity education in the classrooms. This paper reviews the many interpretations of creativity and differentiates between the notion of creativity, creative thinking and creative ideas in the school context. Six different examples of school practice in fostering creativity will be discussed and issues arising from these practices will be highlighted. Future prospects for creativity education and ways in which creativity can be developed by teachers and students are also examined.
創造力作為學校課程學習範疇中的一種共通能力,已獲得前所未有的重現。在華人地區裹,尤以香港為例,有很多學校已著手試行創造力教育。此文把創造力的很多詮釋之作一概覽,把創造力、創造思考和創意作一辨析,解述學校實踐創造思考學習的六種途徑以及有關問題,並提出創造力教育的開發和未來實施的可行方法。 Copyright © 2004 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-44
JournalThe Journal of Quality School Education
Publication statusPublished - May 2004


Hui, M. F. (2004). Understanding and fostering creativity in the school context. The Journal of Quality School Education, 3, 27-44.


  • Alt. title: 在學校環境中如何認識與提昇創造力


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