Understanding adolescents’ attitudes toward gambling with the new theory of reasoned action (TRA) measure in Macau

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was used as a conceptual framework for testing the construct validity of a measure of adolescents’ attitudes about gambling. The measure was then used to test whether adolescents’ perceived family and peer norms were associated with their own attitudes and behaviors related to gambling. Adolescents (N = 743) aged from 14 to 21 years (M = 15.62, SD = 1.87) from nine secondary schools in Macau were invited to participate in the study. Factor analysis indicated that attitudes toward gambling were represented by the factors of personal experiences, affection, and persuasion. Both parents’ and peers’ subjective norms have direct effects on adolescents’ attitudes toward gambling. Suggestions are made for service providers, researchers and educators for understanding gambling attitudes among teenagers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2015
EventThe 17th Annual International Conference on Education - Athens, Greece
Duration: 18 May 201521 May 2015


ConferenceThe 17th Annual International Conference on Education


Leung, C. H. (2015, May). Understanding adolescents’ attitudes toward gambling with the new theory of reasoned action (TRA) measure in Macau. Paper presented at The 17th Annual International Conference on Education, Titania Hotel, Athens, Greece.


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