Understand an emerging “failure” of an equality-oriented teacher policy in China: A job search perspective

Wei LIAO, Rui Eric YUAN

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Free Teacher Education (FTE) is a Chinese case of equality-oriented teacher policies which aim to equalize teacher quality for high-need contexts. Recent studies consistently find that FTE’s goal is failing. The present study is aimed to understand this emerging “failure” from a job search perspective. Drawing on interview data with fourteen teachers, we find that teacher’s preferences, policy interventions and contextual factors jointly shaped the teachers’ decision making on whether, where, and which school to teach. This study concludes that equality-oriented teacher policies are more likely to succeed if they offer generous benefits to participating teachers, tightly tie teachers’ obligation to working in high-need schools, and provide necessary administrative arrangements so as to secure faithful implementation on the ground. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-82
JournalInternational Journal of Educational Research
Early online dateNov 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Liao, W., & Yuan, R. (2017). Understand an emerging “failure” of an equality-oriented teacher policy in China: A job search perspective. International Journal of Educational Research, 81, 71-82.


  • Educational equality
  • Teacher policy
  • Job search theory
  • Chinese education


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