Translanguaging and trans-semiotizing as planned systematic scaffolding: Examining feeling-meaning in CLIL classrooms

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In this article, the processes and patterning of translanguaging and trans-semiotizing in facilitating Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) are examined in Cantonese-English bilingual contexts. Classroom interaction data and students’ written exercises/assignments were collected to analyse the processes of feeling-meaning making among junior secondary students and their teacher in English-medium Integrated Humanities classrooms in Hong Kong. Discourse analysis on classroom data and student exercises/assignments shows that translanguaging and trans-semiotizing naturally emerge in the dynamics of feeling-meaning making and the teacher and students have challenged the dominance of English and contested the previous stabilized cultural patterns of academic and non-academic registers via orchestrating Cantonese and English, formal and social languages, visual elements and physical items in the immediate environment. It is therefore suggested that translanguaging and trans-semiotizing should not only be seen as a spontaneous, naturally occurring process but can also be incorporated in multilingual CLIL classrooms as planned systematic scaffolding.

本文針對雙語環境中學科與語言整合式教學(CLIL),嘗試探討以跨語際、跨符號實踐作為課堂教學鷹架的過程與模式。本文以香港初中英文綜合人文(Integrated Humanities)課堂為例,蒐集、分析課堂互動錄影及學生課後習作,剖析師生共同建構情感意義的過程。分析表明,師生為令課堂連貫流暢,協調粵語、英語以及正式和非正式語言的運用,調動視覺元素及課堂環境中的相關物件,自然地以跨語際、跨符號實踐表情達意。英語的主導地位以及關於學術及非學術語域的傳統觀念也在無意中被挑戰。因此本文提出除了作為即時的自發現象,跨語際、跨符號實踐還可作為有計劃及系統的鷹架支持,運用於帶有多語言背景的CLIL課堂中。 Copyright © 2020 National Taiwan Normal University.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)149-173
JournalEnglish Teaching and Learning
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2020


Liu, Y. (2020). Translanguaging and trans-semiotizing as planned systematic scaffolding: Examining feeling-meaning in CLIL classrooms. English Teaching & Learning, 44(2), 149-173. doi: 10.1007/s42321-020-00057-z


  • Alt. title: 跨語際、跨符號為有計劃、系統的鷹架支持:探討CLIL課堂中的情感意義


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