Towards school-based management: Uncertainty, meaning, opportunity and development

Yin Cheong CHENG, Wing Ming Francis CHEUNG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


No matter whether in the context of Hong Kong or other parts of the world, the school reform towards school-based management is a complicated change process involving the multiple school constituencies and creating uncertainties as well as opportunities for them to learn, change, and develop. This paper aims to report and analyze some significant and interesting phenomena observed in the development and implementation of the school-based management policy in Hong Kong. The findings suggest that the school-based management reform is a long-term process of policy development, in which all concerned constituencies can contribute to further define, develop, and shape the policy. Only when the involved actors perceive more positive meanings from the change, they are more effective in creating and using opportunities for development and maximizing all potential benefits from the process of school reform. Hopefully, the Hong Kong case of school-based management can provide useful implications for school-based management movements in both local and international contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Sept 1997
EventEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 1997 - Frankfurt, Germany
Duration: 24 Sept 199727 Sept 1997


ConferenceEuropean Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 1997
Abbreviated titleECER 1997


Cheng, Y. C., & Cheung, W. M. (1997, September). Towards school-based management: Uncertainty, meaning, opportunity and development. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 1997, Frankfurt, Germany.


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