Towards a whole-teacher education: Experience from Hong Kong

Kam Wing Paul CHAN, Ming Yan NGAN, Wai Lun Anthony LEUNG, Kai Ming LI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The Hong Kong Institute of Education, the major teacher education institute in Hong Kong, is launching a personal tutorial system project in an attempt to providing student teachers with advice on personal and professional development in the process of whole teacher education. This paper aims to examine the student teachers' perceptions of the project and its effectiveness. A questionnaire will be administered to the whole sample involved in the project, followed by an interview of a selected sample. It is hoped that the results will have some implications to the 'Whole-Teacher Development'.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1998


Chan, K.-W., Ngan, M.-Y., Leung, A. W. L., & Li, K.-M. (1998, August). Towards a whole-teacher education: Experience from Hong Kong. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 1998, The Queen's University of Belfast, Ireland.


  • Whole teacher development
  • Personal tutorial
  • Whole teacher education


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