Thoughts on the philosophy of Information Technology in music teacher education

Lai Chi Rita YIP

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


One of the roles of music teacher education is to produce music teachers with proficiencies in delivering music education at different educational levels. The impact of the development of IT in education in Hong Kong has been tremendous. The Hong Kong Education Department and the teacher education institutions are urging teachers in every discipline (including music) to apply the technology to a certain proportion of teaching and learning. Teacher proficiency requirements in IT have been developed quickly. As such, the philosophy that has prompted the inclusion of technology in music teacher education must be evident. The paper aims to investigate some aspects of the philosophy behind promoting IT to a level of such importance. A paradigm shift has come about in the approaches of teaching and learning from teacher-centered to student-centered for a range of reasons including the advent of IT. The teacher has to take on more of a facilitator role in stimulating students to learn how to learn rather than teaching what to learn. This aligns with the advocacy of flexible and life-long learning which are prevailing thoughts in the education world nowadays. These generic values are to be considered with the more unique values of IT in music teacher education. A new philosophy could imply more drastic changes in education in the near future. This could affect music teacher education as well as music education. The issues of how far a philosophy will induce quality learning and whether this application of IT could equate to quality teaching are to be considered. In a world which calls for reflective thinking as well as quality assurance and excellence, it is hoped that this paper will contribute to the discussion on the philosophy of the application of IT in music teacher education. Copyright © 2001 Aichi University of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research & International Symposium on 'Uragoe' and Gender: Proceedings
EditorsYoko MINAMI , Masakazu SHINZANOH
Place of PublicationKariya, Aichiken
PublisherAichi University of Education
Publication statusPublished - 2001


Yip, L. C. R. (2001). Thoughts on the philosophy of Information Technology in music teacher education. In Y. Minami & M. Shinzanoh (Eds.), The 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research & International Symposium on 'Uragoe' and Gender: Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 187-194). Kariya, Aichiken: Aichi University of Education.


  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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