Thermal-irradiance behaviours of subtropical intensive green roof in winter and landscape-soil design implications

Louis S.H. LEE, Chi Yung JIM

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

28 Citations (Scopus)


As urban green space, green roof has been increasingly installed in cities mainly for amenities, temperature regulation and energy conservation. Nevertheless, in subtropical urban setting and during winter, the thermal and radiation behaviours of green roofs, especially the intensive type, have remained poorly understood. This paper examined the effect of a woodland-type intensive green roof (IGR) on the roof-level microclimate by comparing temperature and radiation parameters against a reference bare roof (BR). In-situ microclimatic monitoring was conducted on an IGR and BR pair in subtropical Hong Kong throughout a winter. Using objective selection criteria, 30 sampled days with representative winter weather, namely sunny, cloudy and rainy conditions, were identified for statistical analyses of interactions among key factors. The results showed that the woodland canopy intercepted about 90% of incoming solar radiation regardless of weather, thus substantially suppressing the energy source of passive warming, and instead creating undesirable cooling of ground surface and canopy-enclosed air. Surface and air temperatures on IGR were lower than BR, with the highest mean difference reaching 2.77 °C and 2.27 °C respectively in sunny daytime. The vegetation canopy retained some but insufficient outgoing thermal radiation to counteract the observed cooling. Limited solar inputs could only slightly warm the soil which experienced heat loss in cloudy weather to raise indoor heating load. The empirical findings provided the basis to recommend changes in landscape and soil designs to allow IGR to yield thermal benefits in winter and to improve building energy efficiency. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Article number109692
JournalEnergy and Buildings
Early online dateDec 2019
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2020


Lee, L. S. H., & Jim, C. Y. (2020). Thermal-irradiance behaviours of subtropical intensive green roof in winter and landscape-soil design implications. Energy and Buildings, 209. Retrieved from


  • Intensive green roof
  • Woodland vegetation
  • Thermal performance
  • Solar and terrestrial radiation
  • Building sustainability
  • Subtropical winter


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