The teaching and learning action research project: The relationship between the teaching-learning process and assessment

Chi Kwan CHAN

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Colleagues from different departments came together with an aim to explore collaboratively our understanding on and answers to the questions (i) how do we procedurally establish a sustainable process of free and open dialogue with students and how to improve the quality of their learning; and (ii) what kinds of evidence do we need to gather to support students' self-evaluation of the learning and the development of our teaching? After a brief journey of Action Research together with the thirty-six 3rd year B.Ed. (Primary) students, from 26 March 2001 to 10 May 2001, I come to conclude that involving students in researching their own learning not only facilitated a meaningful dialogical relationship between lecturer and students but also helped improve learning and teaching. Students' reflections on and responses to the what, the why and the how a lesson had been carried through provided evidence on how well teaching and learning had taken place. I call our relationship dialogical in the critical theory sense that as I interpret the learning and teaching situation from my frame of reference and I need at the same time listen to my students' point of view so that this combination of viewpoints provides a more comprehensive picture of the learning and teaching situation. In this paper I will share with you my lived experience of inviting students as co-researchers to study their own learning and how I had responded to their comments and adjusted myself in the course of our encounter. Copyright © 2002 澳門大學教育學院 .
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication《廿一世紀教師的專業成長教育研討會論文集》
Editors 梁成安
Place of Publication澳門
ISBN (Print)9993726206
Publication statusPublished - 2002


Chan, C. K. (2002):The teaching and learning action research project: The relationship between the teaching-learning process and assessment,輯於梁成安編《廿一世紀教師的專業成長教育研討會論文集》,(頁 227-239),澳門,澳門大學教育學院、澳門特別行政區教育暨青年局。


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