The riddles in rom 9:18 and the metaphor of the potter as a pedagogy for spiritual autonomy

Nang Kwok Orlando HO

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Between 5om 9:14-18, The Epistle to the 5omans contains some mysterious descriptions involving God, Pharaoh, Moses, the Israelites and people of other nations. Traditionally these few verses have posed great interpretative problems for religious learners and teachers. The proposed paper will trace the historical references of these verses. On the basis of such historical and hermeneutical efforts, the authoritarian interpretation of Rom 9:18 will then be reopened for critique. The outcome, to be established, is that there is a complex volitional matrix in Rom 9:18. This paper will therefore also answer two central questions: 1) How is the matrix structured? And 2) what are its theological and pedagogical implications. As a result of these analyses, this paper will show The Epistle is indeed teaching a unique kind of subject-focused ethical-spirituality. Moreover, by making use of the hermeneutical framework so established, the potter metaphor found between Rom9:19-22 will be further studied. The overall message is that Rom 9:14-22 contains a coherent curriculum. It is advocating for spiritual autonomy as well as individual answerability on the part of anyone seeking to be a sincere adorer of the Divine.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017
EventThe Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2017 (ACP2017) and The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2017 (ACERP2017) -, Kobe, Japan
Duration: 22 Mar 201725 Mar 2017


ConferenceThe Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2017 (ACP2017) and The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2017 (ACERP2017)
Abbreviated titleACP/ACERP 2017
Internet address


Ho, O. N. K. (2017, March). The riddles in rom 9:18 and the metaphor of the potter as a pedagogy for spiritual autonomy. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2017: Identity: Personalising & Situating Psychology, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan.


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