The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An instinsic-extrinsic motivation perspective

Jie Qi LEE, Dennis Michael MCINERNEY, Gregory Arief D. LIEM, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA

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113 Citations (Scopus)


This research aimed to study the relationships between students’ future goals (FGs) and their immediate achievement goal orientations (AGOs) among 5,733 Singaporean secondary school students (M age = 14.18, SD = 1.26; 53% boys). To this end, we hypothesized that the relationships between like valenced FGs and AGOs (both intrinsic or both extrinsic) will be stronger than those of opposite valenced FGs and AGOs (intrinsic-extrinsic) and tested two alternative models: Model A positing the prediction of AGOs by FGs and Model B positing the prediction of FGs by AGOs. Structural equation modeling showed the heuristic superiority of Model B in which intrinsic FGs (career-, society-, family-oriented) were more strongly related to mastery-approach goal orientation than to performance-approach goal orientation and extrinsic FGs (fame- and wealth-oriented) were more strongly related to performance-approach goal orientation than to mastery-approach goal orientation and. The findings suggest that, to enhance school motivation, teachers should encourage students to adopt intrinsic AGOs and FGs. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)264-279
JournalContemporary Educational Psychology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


Lee, J. Q., McInerney, D. M., Liem, G. A. D., & Ortiga, Y. Y. (2010). The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An instinsic-extrinsic motivation perspective. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 35(4), 264-279.


  • Future time perspective
  • Future goal
  • Achievement goal orientation
  • Motivation


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