The practice of the beginning secondary school physical education teachers

Alberto CRUZ, Chung LI

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the practice of teaching of beginning secondary school physical education teachers. The problems and the factors that confronted the teachers in their first year of work were examined. Thirteen physical education graduates of the Hong Kong Institute of Education in 2005 teaching in secondary schools were purposely invited to participate in the study. Qualitative data were collected by a combination of techniques: passive participant observation, formal and informal interviews, document analysis, and journal writing. Constant comparison and analytic induction were used to organize and categorize the data. Data generated helped to understand the confrontations faced and the influence of the workplace factors on the practices of beginning teachers. Results indicated that the teachers adjusted their practices according to their school contextual conditions during their first year of teaching. The common practices of teaching were a) instructional approach, b) lesson preparation, c) contents, and d) classroom management. The workplace impact was mainly come from their students, administrators, and work responsibilities. The participants also employed socializing strategies in order to survive in schools. Findings of the study hold implications for the development and preparation of physical education teachers with respect to the influence of organizational socialization.
本研究目的是探討新任中學體育老師的教學工作。同時亦檢視新任教師任教時所遇到的困難及影響其教學工作的因素。十三位新任中學體育老師參與是次研究。透過被動參與式觀察、正式 及非正式訪問、老師反思日誌 及文件分析等方法收集數據。然後以持續比較法分析資料。結果顯示影響教師教學工作因素包括學生、 校內管理人員 及教師工作量。教師調整教學方式及採取社會化生存策略以配合學校需要。此等結果給予體育教師發展 及培訓多方面啟示。 Copyright © 2009 Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to) 61-81
JournalAsian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2009


Cruz, A., & Li, C. (2009). The practice of the beginning secondary school physical education teachers. Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 15(1), 61-81.


  • Alt. title: 新任中學體育老師的教育工作


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