The mediating role of selfitis in the associations between self-esteem, problematic social media use, problematic smartphone use, body-self appearance, and psychological distress among young Ghanaian adults

Derek OPPONG, Emma Sethina ADJAOTTOR, Frimpong-Manso ADDO, Worlali NYALEDZIGBOR, Amma Serwaa OFORI-AMANFO, Hsin-Pao CHEN, Daniel Kwasi AHORSU

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Selfie-related activities have become pervasive to the point that they may affect the mental health of people who engage in them. To ascertain this mechanism, this study examined the mediating role of selfitis in the associations between self-esteem, problematic social media use, problematic smartphone use, body-self appearance, and psychological distress among young Ghanaian adults. A total of 651 participants completed a questionnaire with measures on self-esteem, body-self appearance, problematic social media use, problematic smartphone use, depression, anxiety, stress, coping skills, and selfitis. There were direct associations between all the variables except between self-esteem and selfitis. In addition, selfitis mediated the associations between problematic social media use, problematic smartphone use, body-self appearance, and psychological distress except between self-esteem and psychological distress. These findings suggest that selfitis can serve as a pathway by which people who overly engage in problematic social media use, problematic smartphone use, and have poor body-self appearance may experience psychological distress. Hence, there is a need for health communicators, school authorities, and opinion leaders to educate young adults on the consequences of the problematic use of technology, especially for selfitis behaviour. Future studies can examine the factors that predict selfitis behaviour among adults. Copyright © 2022 by the authors.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2500
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


Oppong, D., Adjaottor, E. S., Addo, F.-M., Nyaledzigbor, W., Ofori-Amanfo, A. S., Chen, H.-P., & Ahorsu, D. K. (2022). The mediating role of selfitis in the associations between self-esteem, problematic social media use, problematic smartphone use, body-self appearance, and psychological distress among young Ghanaian adults. Healthcare, 10(12). Retrieved from


  • Selfitis
  • Selfie
  • Young adult
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Problematic smartphone use
  • Problematic social media use
  • Coping skills
  • Body-self appearance


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