The leadership capacities of aspiring principals in Hong Kong

Shun Wing NG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This paper reports a study on the leadership capacities of a group of 185 aspiring principals. A questionnaire consisting of 24 questions was constructed to examine the levels of leadership capacities of these aspirants. The findings indicate that the aspirants seemed to feel more competent in the leadership area of ‘teacher professional growth and development’ than they did with regard to ‘quality assurance and accountability’, ‘learning, teaching and curriculum’, ‘strategic direction and policy environment’, ‘external communication and connection to the outside world’, and finally ‘staff and resources management’.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010


Ng, S. W. (2010, October). The leadership capacities of aspiring principals in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration (WCLTA-2010), The American University, Cairo, Egypt.


  • Aspiring principal
  • Leadership capacities
  • School leaders
  • Principal training


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