The cognitive process with intensive and rapid vocabulary acquisition tasks using multimedia glosses

Meilin JIANG, Di ZOU, Lap-Kei LEE, Fu Lee WANG, Nga-In WU

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


Digital learning environments afford intensive and rapid interaction for learners, which leads to a learning duration within a short learning period. Therefore, it is essential to know how to design information presentations when the learning duration is short and learning tasks are intensive. The current study designed learning tasks with different types of vocabulary glosses (e.g., corresponding pictures or sounds) and learning duration (3, 5, or 7 seconds per word). Learning results were analyzed considering learners’ word recognition and passive recall of the meaning of vocabulary with descriptive analysis. Learners' characteristics (i.e., working memory capacity, executive function, and strategy in allocating information) were collected and analyzed through three types of phonological working memory capacity tests, one visuospatial working memory capacity test, and a vocabulary encoding survey. The result indicates that text-only glosses with 3s per word (15s whole learning task) learning duration led to the highest learning result in supporting learners' word recognition. Meanwhile, text + picture glosses with 5s per word (25s whole learning task) lead to the highest learning result in learners' passive recall of vocabulary meaning. However, when the learning duration is extended, image glosses may become redundant information. Besides, the result indicates that learners with higher phonological working memory, may store more redundant phonological information which disturbs the information processes. However, if learners have a better executive function, the negative effects may be relieved. Copyright © 2023 AsiaTEFL All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64-88
JournalThe Journal of Asia TEFL
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


Jiang, M., Zou, D., Lee, L.-K., Wang, F. L., & Wu, N.-I. (2023). The cognitive process with intensive and rapid vocabulary acquisition tasks using multimedia glosses. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 20(1), 64-88. doi: 10.18823/asiatefl.2023.


  • Cognitive process
  • Passive vocabulary learning
  • Working memory capacity
  • Vocabulary encoding strategy
  • Multimedia glosses


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