The civic mission of internationalizing higher education in the Asian region

Shun Wing NG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventWorld Council of Comparative Education Societies XIV World Congress: Bordering, Re-bordering and New Possibilities in Education and Society - , Turkey
Duration: 14 Jun 201018 Jun 2010


ConferenceWorld Council of Comparative Education Societies XIV World Congress: Bordering, Re-bordering and New Possibilities in Education and Society
Abbreviated titleWCCES2010


Ng, S. W. (2010, June). The civic mission of internationalizing higher education in the Asian region. Paper presented at the World Council of Comparative Education Societies XIV World Congress: Bordering, Re-bordering and New Possibilities in Education and Society, Istanbul Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.