The association between interparental conflict and problematic internet use among Chinese adolescents: Testing a moderated mediation model

Lin-Xin WANG, Kai DOU, Jianbin LI, Ming-Chen ZHANG, Ji-Yao GUAN

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Interparental conflict is a risk factor for adolescent problematic internet use (PIU), but little research has investigated the processing mechanisms underlying this association. Based on the future time perspective theory, this study tested the idea that interparental conflict would be associated with adolescent PIU via restraining the protective effect of future positive time perspective (FPTP) and boosting the deleterious effect of future negative time perspective (FNTP). Moreover, drawing upon the ecological system theory, this study also investigated the interplay between interparental conflict and teacher-student relationship in relation to future time perspective and further to PIU. Using three-time longitudinal data, with each time point spanning three months apart, this study examined the aforesaid questions in 523 Chinese adolescents (276 boys, Mage = 14.64). Results of moderated mediation model found that after controlling for T1 PIU, T1 interparental conflict was associated with T3 PIU through T2 FNTP. Moreover, a stronger teacher-student relationship played a protective role for adolescents less exposed to interparental conflict. These findings provide nuanced explanation about how and for whom interparental conflict is associated with PIU in adolescents. The results also shed light on effective prevention and intervention strategies to mitigate adolescent PIU in the Chinese cultural context. Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106832
JournalComputers in Human Behavior
Early online date03 May 2021
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


Wang, L.-X., Dou, K., Li, J.-B., Zhang, M.-C., & Guan, J.-Y. (2021). The association between interparental conflict and problematic internet use among Chinese adolescents: Testing a moderated mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior, 122. Retrieved from


  • Interparental conflict
  • Future time perspective
  • Problematic Internet use
  • Teacher-student relationships
  • Adolescents


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