The arts-in-education programme: Towards effective learning through partnership


Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


The Arts-in-Education (AiE) Programme was an initiative that involved artists and arts organizations working closely with school teachers in the formal curriculum to enhance student learning by using an interdisciplinary approach. This three-year programme (2000–2003) was organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and co-organized by the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education and Manpower Bureau and the Creative Arts Department of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. It received a total of HK$4 million sponsorship donated by the Hong Kong Bank Foundation. The programme had three main aims: To facilitate partnerships between professional practicing artists and schools to create programmes that enhance the study of the arts and other curriculum areas through the arts; To provide students, through working with the artists, with greater experience with the arts, encouraging them to explore different ways of thinking and work more creatively in the arts and other subjects; To facilitate the sharing and exchanging of ideas between arts and non-arts teachers and professional artists, so they could learn new ways of approaching their topic (Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 2000). Copyright © 2008 Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEducating in the arts: The Asian experience, Twenty-four essays
EditorsLindy JOUBERT
Place of PublicationDordrecht, the Netherlands
PublisherSpringer Science+Business Media
ISBN (Print)9781402063862, 9781402063879
Publication statusPublished - 2008


Cheung J. (2008). The arts-in-education programme: Towards effective learning through partnership. In L. Joubert (Ed.), Educating in the arts: The Asian experience, Twenty-four essays (pp. 65-81). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media.


  • Educational Evaluation


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