Tensions between knowledge transmission and student-focused teaching approaches to assessment purposes: Helping students improve through transmission

Junjun CHEN, Gavin Thomas Lumsden BROWN

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


This study surveyed 1064 Chinese school teachers’ approaches to teaching and conceptions of assessment, and examined their inter-relationship using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Three approaches to teaching (i.e. Knowledge Transmission, Student-Focused, and Examination Preparation) and six conceptions of assessment (i.e. Student Development, Teaching Improvement, Examination, Control, School Accountability, and Irrelevance) were identified. Teachers indicated they used Student-Focused most frequently and this positively predicted the assessment purposes of Student Development and Teaching Improvement, while loading negatively on Control, School Accountability, and Irrelevance. The Knowledge Transmission teaching approach, in contrast, positively predicted the assessment purposes of Examination, School Accountability, Control, Student Development, and Teaching Improvement. Thus, despite a predominantly student-focused approach to teaching, knowledge transmission was seen as a teaching approach that contributed positively to student learning. Possible explanations for this anomalous result are discussed. Copyright © 2015 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)350-367
JournalTeachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
Issue number3
Early online dateJul 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Chen, J., & Brown, G. T. L. (2016). Tensions between knowledge transmission and student-focused teaching approaches to assessment purposes: Helping students improve through transmission. Teachers and teaching: Theory and practice, 22(3), 350-367.


  • Beliefs on assessment
  • Teaching
  • Chinese teachers
  • Structural equation modeling


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