Technology-enhanced collaborative language learning: Theoretical foundations, technologies, and implications

Fan SU, Di ZOU

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

63 Citations (Scopus)


With the emergence of educational technology, technology-enhanced collaborative language learning had gained increasing attention from learners, educators, and researchers, and a large number of studies had been conducted to investigate the effects of technology-enhanced collaborative learning on students’ development of language knowledge and affective status. However, little comprehensive review that investigated all aspects of the field thoroughly had been conducted, and the present research was an attempt in response to this call. Specifically, this research reviewed 40 articles on technology-enhanced collaborative language learning from five aspects, (1) the nature of publications, (2) the theoretical frameworks of the previous research, (3) the types of the technologies for collaborative language learning, (4) the effectiveness of the technologies, and (5) the implications of the studies. The results showed 10 theoretical frameworks, nine types of technologies, and 11 benefits of technology-enhanced collaborative language learning. Important implications were also discussed for future design and implementation of technology-enhanced collaborative language learning activities. Copyright © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1754-1788
JournalComputer Assisted Language Learning
Issue number8
Early online date14 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2022


Su, F., & Zou, D. (2022). Technology-enhanced collaborative language learning: Theoretical foundations, technologies, and implications. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(8), 1754-1788. doi: 10.1080/09588221.2020.1831545


  • Collaborative learning
  • Computer assisted language learning
  • Educational technology
  • Mobile assisted language learning


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