Teaching transformational geometry via dynamic geometry software

Yiu Kwong MAN, Hing Keung LEUNG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The traditional teaching of geometry emphasizes very much on formal definitions and proofs. In recent years, the teaching of secondary or undergraduate geometry courses emphasizes more on exploration, problem solving, appreciation and real life applications. As a result of the paradigm shift, dynamic geometry software, such as Sketchpad or WinGeom, now plays an important role in teaching and learning mathematics. As a mathematics teacher, educator or instructor, it is essential to equip oneself with the knowledge of roles and power of such useful educational software in this information technology era. In this paper, we report and share our experience on how to use dynamic geometry software in teaching transformational geometry in an undergraduate mathematics courses, in order to deepen the student teachers’ understanding of the concepts behind, as well as to provide illustrative examples on how to use such kind of software as an exploration tool in teaching and learning transformational geometry.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2005
EventRedesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice - National Institute of Education, Singapore
Duration: 30 May 200501 Jun 2005


ConferenceRedesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice


Man, Y.-K., & Leung, H.-K. (2005, May). Teaching transformational geometry via dynamic geometry software. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Research, Policy, Practice, Singapore.


  • Teacher Education
  • Development of Subject Knowledge
  • Mathematics


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