Teaching global citizenship education with teaching models of empathy and critical literacy: Case study of Hong Kong secondary schools

King Man Eric CHONG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This paper examines how Hong Kong SAR secondary school teachers develop and teach global citizenship education with teaching models of empathy and critical literacy. Action research has been employed with two Hong Kong secondary schools in two school calendar years to examine how teaching models of empathy and critical literacy can be designed and implemented in junior secondary schools’ PSHE subjects on two selected topics of understanding poverty and knowing about ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. The findings show that teachers develop students’ empathy towards others by engaging them with learning cycles of experiential learning and reflection, and teachers develop students’ critical literacy by analyzing different texts on a same topic so as to enable them to see beyond their own perspectives and assumptions. The findings have got implications for understanding how to implement global citizenship education in junior secondary education, in particular for educators who aim at engaging the learners in reflective and critical analysis and seeing how to build up the linkages between local and global among the learners.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015
EventRedesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2015: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in the 21st Century Education - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 02 Jun 201504 Jun 2015


ConferenceRedesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2015: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in the 21st Century Education
Abbreviated titleRPIC 2015


Chong, E. K. M. (2015, June). Teaching global citizenship education with teaching models of empathy and critical literacy: Case study of Hong Kong secondary schools. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Education, held in conjunction with 11th International CitizED Conference and the Arts, Humanities and Literature Conference 2015: Redesigning pedagogy: Leaders, values and citizenship in 21st century education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


  • Citizenship education
  • Teacher education/development


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