Teaching development grants final and financial report: The implementation of outcome-based learning: Implications for learning in higher education

Kin Sang Jacqueline CHAN, Tak Shing John LAM, Wai Ming YU, Tsui San Teresa NG

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


The present study aims to tryout the concept of "Outcome Based Learning" (OBL) in the cores and electives of professional studies in the Institute. The concept of OBL is not new and often used in the primary and secondary sectors but rarely used in tertiary sector. In the face of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum (NSS) to be introduced in 2009, students entering tertiary education will be expected to have different characteristics from that of the old curriculum, e.g. goal orientations, learning styles, learning experiences, attitudes, etc. It is therefore interesting to find whether OBL can be used to accommodate these NSS graduates' needs in the future development of HKIED. There will be 3 stages of development in the study. In the 1 st stage, class tutors in the selected modules will be invited to attend the pre-module meeting to discuss about the module objectives and establish assessment criteria. In the 2 nd stage, learning and teaching will be designed and occurred in various modes, contexts and timescales according to the prescribed module objectives. In the 3 rd stage, students will be assessed through which alternative forms of learning will be evident. Data will be collected throughout the 3 stages to monitor the implementation by means of documentary evidence, interview and classroom observation. The results of the study will contribute to the exploration of how a new culture of teaching and learning and assessment can be adopted in a tertiary institute in Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Chan, K.-s. J., Lam, T.-s. J., Yu, W.-m. F., & Ng, T.-s. T. (2011). Teaching development grants final and financial report: The implementation of outcome-based learning: Implications for learning in higher education. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T3327
  • Period: TDG 2008-2009
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)


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