Teaching development grants final and financial report: Improving the learning outcomes of block practice: Investigating a pilot field experience semester for BEd(EL) students

Timothy William TAYLOR, Wai Yu Stella KONG, John Gilbert TRENT, Liz WALKER, Pui Man Jennie WONG, Norman Shane PHILLIPSON

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


The objective of this project is to study an alternative Block Practice (BP) design that aims to increase opportunities for student learning and school partnerships. The current design , an 8-week BP that comes in the middle of the school term, limits opportunities for critical engagement, reflective learning, and formative assessment of students' teaching practice. An alternative approach, designed around the concept of an "FE Semester" ( FES) and integrating a number of pedagogical elements, is better aligned with the aims of the BEd(EL) award. Specifically, the FES increases opportunities for students in self-reflection, on-line learning and enhancing the relationship between teaching and learning. The project will study these innovative elements integrated within the FES, including 1 ) i ncreasing the duration of 4 th year BP to twice its current length; 2 ) p roviding additional professional feedback through a comprehensive audio-commentary on student-teachers' video-recorded lessons; 3 ) p roviding structured opportunities for peer observation and feedback of student-teachers' lessons; 4 ) p roviding an online e-Portfolio platform using Mahara open-source software to organize student-teachers' planning, feedback and reflection; 5 ) p roviding additional professional support through non-assessment supervisory visits and consultation; and 6) Improving Department-school partnerships with schools hosting student-teachers. Although any of these FES elements could be adopted as an independent part of an alternative BP design, the purpose of the project is to analyse and evaluate the inter-related benefits of these features as well as their independent effect. The overall impact of the FES on students' professional development will provide useful data that allows for evidenced-based decisions for future practice. In addition, focused research by project members into each of the design elements will provide research papers and conference presentations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013


Taylor, T., Kong, S., Trent, J., Walker, L., Wong, J., & Phillipson, S. (2013). Teaching development grants final and financial report: Improving the learning outcomes of block practice: Investigating a pilot field experience semester for BEd(EL) students. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T0092
  • Period: TDG 2010-2011
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)


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