Teaching development grants final and financial report: From character to word: Optimization of the "CKC Online Chinese Dictionary" for the development of teaching Chinese as an international language

Shuk Ching Esther CHAN, Ka Ho TSE

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


《中國語文課程補充指引(非華語學生)》中指出「香港居民 91% 慣用粵語,中小學的中文課堂也多使用粵語和繁體字。非華語學生學習粵語和繁體字,有利融入社會,符合本身利益。」加上漢語在世界地位日益重要,本計劃按基礎教學由字詞入手的理念,由本計劃成員與學員合作,優化「縱橫碼在線中文字典 ( 繁簡英界面 ) 」 ( http://www.ckcitlang.net/ckc/dictionary.php) ,除優化原有字的形、音、義外,還會增添動畫筆順,詞等方面的資料,以配合現行教材,輔助基礎字詞教學發展。我們會邀請本校學生及前線老師嘗試、實踐,以優化網頁,令網頁的應用推廣至更廣闊層面。最終希望通過這個計劃能使本校學生更扎實的掌握語文教學基礎,提高中國語文教學的學與教成效。
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Chan, S. C. E., & Tse, K. H. (2011). Teaching development grants final and financial report: From character to word: Optimization of the "CKC Online Chinese Dictionary" for the development of teaching Chinese as an international language. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T3323
  • Period: TDG 2008-2009
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)
  • 由字到詞:優化「縱橫碼在線中文字典」以配合非華語學生教學與國際漢語教學的發展


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