Teaching development grants final and financial report: Faculty development in higher education in Hong Kong

Ai Choo ONG, Kai Yung Brian TAM

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


The focus of this research is to better understand and improve professional development of faculty in teaching in higher education. Presently, the Hong Kong government is showing a great interest in teaching quality and taking its enhancement very seriously. Current social changes and concerns together with educational reforms such as 334 and OBA education are putting increasing pressure on local universities for greater accountability in teaching. Once a marginal activity, faculty development (FD) is now taking an important role in university activities, with the growing recognition of the importance of FD to the quality of education in higher education. FD must attempt to address the implications of current changes and employ the best research available regarding teaching and learning, as well as provide FD training in the best practices. This project seeks to conduct a study on the staff development needs of HKIED faculty and to design an FD programme based on international best practices in FD. The study will be conducted in three stages: (1) a needs analysis of HKIED faculty's needs and experiences in FD in light of new initiatives; (2) a comparative study with a similar FD study on higher education in China; (3) the identification of best international practices relevant to the FD needs of a faculty so as to design and deliver a FD programme that will enable HKIED faculty to respond effectively to current educational reforms and initiatives. The study will contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning as the Institute seeks re-titling as a University of Education, so that it can provide a model of excellence in teaching in higher education for universities in HK and in China.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010


Ong, A. C., & Tam, K. Y. B. (2010). Teaching development grants final and financial report: Faculty development in higher education in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T3308
  • Period: TDG 2007-2008
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)


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