Teaching development grants final and financial report: Enhancing the professional level of pre-service teachers: The competency of developing materials and case studies for school-based language curriculum

Man Sing HO

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


以學生為本是教改其中一個重要的理念。照顧學生個別差異,發展校本課程,是語文科落實教改理念的具體表現。語文校本課程規劃與教材建設是改革進入第二個十年的重點深化工作。作為師資培訓機構,有責任提高職前小學教師(這裏指BEd-P的學員,簡稱學員)的專業水平。本研究包括兩部份:教材的開發,案例的研究。前者是培訓學員開發校本課程的理論教材,後者是讓學員的實踐能力。 教材分理論與實踐兩部份:理論部份包括理據、原則、策略與方法。實踐部份是利用理論來進行校本語文建設:先以理論調整現行教科書,再到小學作為實踐基地,導師與學員到小學與教師透過理論和學校的實際情況,以學校用書為基礎,進行校本語文課程的實踐活動。
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013


Ho, M. S. (2013). Teaching development grants final and financial report: Enhancing the professional level of pre-service teachers: The competency of developing materials and case studies for school-based language curriculum. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T0110
  • Period: TDG 2011-2012
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)
  • 提高職前教師的專業水平:開發校本語文課程理論教材與實踐案例的能力


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