Teaching development grants final and financial report: Developing the OBTL curriculum with blended learning in the modules of RMCS (Research Methods of Childhood Study) and RC (Research in Childhood)

Chi Hung LEUNG, Chung Park AU

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


The project aims to develop an OBTL curriculum in one of the modules in ECE to demonstrate exemplary cases of effective teaching and learning in the undergraduate programmes. The project will include continuous assessment, group presentation with peer evaluation and self-evaluation, and individual assignment to assess students' learning outcomes. For the continuous assessment, a self learning system will be setup in the e-learning for students to monitor their learning progress during the semester, including four on-line exercises and one SPSS exercise on research methodology. The presentation will be evaluated in three different angles, which are self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and lecturer evaluation. This will enhance students' involvement in class. The comments of peer evaluation for each group will also be uploaded onto the e-learning's discussion forum. Students will also be asked to write up a research proposal for their individual assignment. Students are expected to complete the module with three domains, such as knowledge, skills, and attitude domains.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Leung, C. H., & Au, C. P. R. (2011). Teaching development grants final and financial report: Developing the OBTL curriculum with blended learning in the modules of RMCS (Research Methods of Childhood Study) and RC (Research in Childhood). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T3330
  • Period: TDG 2008-2009
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)


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