Teaching development grants final and financial report: Collaborative assessment of lesson observation: Reflection and research on the development of pedagogical content knowledge of Chinese language teachers

Yuen Yee Frankie YU

Research output: Other contributionTeaching Development Grants (TDG)


本研究是通過啟導計劃,以多重個案研究(multiple-case study),採取立意抽樣(purposeful sampling)方法,探究新手、經驗及專家等不同階段的語文教師的教學知識的特點,以提升在職教師及職前學員教學實踐效能。學院導師與地區學校已受訓及仍未受訓的啟導老師組成一個深度協作、互動的觀課視導團隊,藉課前指導、觀課前及後會談、觀課及評課,協助實習學員提升教學規畫及教學實踐的能力,並以此進一步培訓啟導老師觀課及評課技巧。根據實習教師的教學表現和反思,啟導老師的評課和訪談,探索不同階段的語文教師教學知識的發展,以優化師資培訓課程。透過此一系列觀課評課活動,探討中文科課堂教學的難點和指導焦點,以此促進教者與評者的學習,提升中文本科教學效能,擴大及增新師資培訓的語文教學專業知識和能力結構。
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012


Yu, Y. Y. F. (2012). Teaching development grants final and financial report: Collaborative assessment of lesson observation: Reflection and research on the development of pedagogical content knowledge of Chinese language teachers. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Report
  • TDG project code: T0107
  • Period: TDG 2011-2012
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)
  • 語文教師教學知識的發展:協同評課的反思與研究


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