Teaching behaviour among the primary physical education student teachers in Hong Kong

Alberto CRUZ

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The purpose of the study was to describe the teaching behaviours of Hong Kong physical education student teachers. Thirty-two local pre-service and in-service student teachers were videotaped teaching two lessons in their own schools or in the allocated school during their final practicum. Each videotaped lesson was coded using the Physical Education Teacher Assessment Instrument (PETAI). Data generated by the PETAI were entered into a SPSS programme to produce further statistical analysis. The results were comprehensive described and comparison were made between the in-service and pre-service student teachers' behaviour categories by employing the independent t-test. Results indicated that the in-service student teachers had significantly higher percentages of the response presentation and the total teacher instructional time than the pre-service group. Whilst the pre-service student teachers spent significantly more time in planned presentation, equipment management, organization, behaviour management and overall management time than the in-service group. It is likely the different experience in physical education lesson teaching in school environment of the groups give account for the differences of their teaching behaviours. Findings of the present study implied that there were different teaching behaviour patterns and needs of pre-service and in-service student teachers during their practicum.
本研究目的是探討香港體育師訓學生的敎學行為。三十二位職前及在職師訓學生在任敎學校攝錄兩節體育課。研究採用「體育敎師評估工具(PETAI)」分析每敎節的敎學行為。獨立樣本t-test顯示職前及在職師訓學生在體育課中的指導及管理時間上有顯著差異。在職師訓組較職前師訓組多利用時間對學生學習回應(Response Presentation),而職前師訓組則較在職師訓組多分配時間於內容演譯(Planned Presentation)、器材管理(Equipment Management)、活動組織(Organization)及學生行為管理(Behaviour Management),此等差異可能是他們有不同體育敎學經驗所致。 Copyright © 2000 Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-42
JournalJournal of Physical Education & Recreation (Hong Kong)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2000


Cruz, A. (2000). Teaching behaviour among the primary physical education student teachers in Hong Kong. Journal of Physical Education & Recreation (Hong Kong), 6(2), 31-42. doi: 10.24112/ajper.61241


  • Alt. title: 香港小學體育師訓學生的敎學行為


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