Teaching art history with multi-media resources

Cheung On TAM, Ming Hoi Victor LAI

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Technological advancements, especially in the form of information technology, contribute enormously to the formation and transmission of images. The teaching of art history, which emphasizes the perception, appreciation, and interpretation of works of art, depends largely on the provision of vivid images to students. It is through the intelligent use of technology that art images could be presented in a creative and authentic way. The present project, by systematically synthesizing images, sounds, words, and motions in a tangible and assessable form, aims to develop teaching resources, in the form of a CD-ROM, for the usage of lecturers and students during the course of learning art historical knowledge. It not only allows more flexibility for students to perceive, respond, and reflect, but also complement the traditional presentation method. An apparent increase in the amount of interactivity and instructional effectiveness is expected. The project is also conceived as a chance to revitalize art history modules in accord with the contextual theory: the perspective adopted in developing these modules. The project outcome and the expertise gained during the design and development of the project, acting as references and initiatives, would be useful for the future development towards building the Institute as an excellent technology-based education centre. It would also be the first module among the art curriculum using a self-developed CD-ROM, catering the specificity of the learning situation. Copyright © 2000 香港教育學院.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of APAEC 2000 Asia-Pacific art education conference: Regional experiences and prospects in the new century
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherDepartment of Creative Arts, School of Creative Arts, Sciences & Technology, the Hong Kong Institute of Education
Publication statusPublished - 2000


Tam, C. O., & Lai, M. H. (2000). Teaching art history with multi-media resources. In Proceedings of APAEC 2000 Asia-Pacific art education conference: Regional experiences and prospects in the new century (pp. 282-288). Hong Kong: Department of Creative Arts, School of Creative Arts, Sciences & Technology, the Hong Kong Institute of Education.


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