Teachers' professional development: The interplay of influence between principal leadership and professional cultures in a multicultural context

Sing Ying Elson SZETO, Tze Leung Rick LUI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


This paper aims at extending the understanding of an interplay of influence between principal leadership and professional culture on school-based professional development. Early-career teachers start to experience the reality of professional practice in different schools in a Chinese society. The key question is: How did the interplay of influence between the leadership and culture facilitate or discourage the teachers’ development pathways in the first 6 years of practice? A case study of three teachers’ professional development was adopted to explore the influence. Findings show a pattern of the interplay of influence on the professional development based on the teachers’ experiences and perceptions of the influence of principal leadership and school professional culture. Implications for school-based professional development are also highlighted. Copyright © 2021 AERA21.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021
Event2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: "Accepting Educational Responsibility" - , United States
Duration: 08 Apr 202112 Apr 2021


Conference2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: "Accepting Educational Responsibility"
Abbreviated titleAERA 2021
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


Szeto, E. S. Y., & Lui, T. L. (2021, April). Teachers' professional development: The interplay of influence between principal leadership and professional cultures in a multicultural context [Virtual]. Poster presented at the 2021 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA21): Accepting Educational Responsibility, USA.


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