Teacher's beliefs as a basis for the planning of in-service teacher education programme

May Hung May CHENG, Wing Mui Winnie SO, Chiao Liang Joseph TSANG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1998
EventHong Kong Teachers' Centre 10th Anniversary International Conference - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Duration: 27 Jun 199828 Jun 1998


ConferenceHong Kong Teachers' Centre 10th Anniversary International Conference
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Cheng, M. H. M., So, W. M. W., & Tsang, C. L. J. (1998, June). Teacher's beliefs as a basis for the planning of in-service teacher education programme. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Teachers' Centre 10th Anniversary International Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, China.