Teacher empowerment and minimalist design

Wing-Wah KI, Albert Ling-Sung CHUNG, Ho Cheong LAM

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Although the use of ICT in education has been strongly advocated with a vision of bringing a paradigm shift to education, observational studies and surveys in general indicate that the actual impact of ICT on classroom teaching and learning has been limited. This paper attempts to provide a discussion of the underlying problems, and reports an experience which seems to indicate how the situation may differ if teacher empowerment is taken as a primary concern in the development of ICT in education. Copyright © 2003 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInformation and communication technology and the teacher of the future
EditorsCarolyn DOWLING, Kwok-Wing LAI
Place of PublicationBoston
ISBN (Electronic)9780387357010
ISBN (Print)9781475710410
Publication statusPublished - 2003


Ki, W.-W., Chung, A. L.-S., & Lam, H.-C. (2003). Teacher empowerment and minimalist design. In C. Dowling & K.-W. Lai (Eds.), Information and communication technology and the teacher of the future (pp. 165-169). Boston: Springer.


  • Learning object
  • Chinese character
  • Minimalist design
  • Structural understanding
  • Multilingual matter


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