Teacher development through "Active Classroom": A learning platform to support school development and education reform

Bick Har LAM, See Wai Alison YEUNG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


The "Active-Classroom" project aims to establish a platform for professional exchange among teachers on skills and strategies that helps to achieve an active classroom for student learning, by the use of WebQuest. In this paper, the researchers will report how the Active Classroom has come into shape with its first attempt on questioning skill, during Dec 2004 to May 2005. There are three primary schools participating in studying this skill component. The project demonstrates the functions of the questioning WebQuest: (a) focuses learners on a tangible and easy navigated resource; (b) opens up possibility of getting feedback from distant audience via an embedded e-mail form. Positive influence on teacher professional networking and student learning is perceived. It implicates that online learning on instructional strategies should be promoted as it is a substantial support to education reform. Copyright © 2005 IOS Press.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTowards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences: Sharing good practices of research, experimentation and innovation
EditorsChee-Kit LOOI , David JONASSEN, Mitsuru IKEDA
Place of PublicationWashington, D.C.
PublisherIOS Press
ISBN (Print)1586035738, 9781607501503, 1607501503
Publication statusPublished - 2005


Lam, B. H., & Yeung, S. W. A. (2005). Teacher development through "Active Classroom": A learning platform to support school development and education reform. In C.-K. Looi, D. Jonassen, & M. Ikeda (Eds.), Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences: Sharing good practices of research, experimentation and innovation (pp. 752-756). Washington, D.C.: IOS Press.


  • Personal mastery
  • Teacher development
  • Learning organization


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