Sustaining innovations in Singapore schools: Implications for research work

Chee Kit LOOI, Wei-Ying LIM, David HUNG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This paper explores the broad issues of why the meaningful use of ICT to engage in deep learning has not been widespread in K-12 schools. We argue a critical reason is the lack of sustainability in the implementation of ICT-enabled pedagogies in schools, arising from a failure to understand the conditions for systemic innovations. We describe the key issues related to sustainability from literature, and contextualized some of these issues using 2 examples of innovations that have been implemented in the Singapore schools. Implications are then drawn with respect to how research work should be conducted with a view of sustainability, how to build up capacity of researchers and teacher implementers to push innovations, and new methods of analysis for studying sustainability. Copyright © 2005 The authors. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTowards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences: Sharing good practices of research, experimentation and innovation
EditorsChee-Kit LOOI, David JONASSEN, Mitsuru IKEDA
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherIOS Press
ISBN (Print)9810540051, 9789810540050
Publication statusPublished - 2005


Looi, C.-K., Lim, W.-Y., & Hung, D. (2005). Sustaining innovations in Singapore schools: Implications for research work. In C.-K. Looi, D. Jonassen, & M. Ikeda (Eds.), Towards sustainable and scalable educational innovations informed by the learning sciences: Sharing good practices of research, experimentation and innovation (pp. 244-251). Amsterdam: IOS Press.


  • Innovations
  • Sustainability
  • Scalability
  • Professional development
  • Research work


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