Studying school leadership as a reciprocal process: Conceptual, methodological, and policy implications

Philip HALLINGER, Ronald H. HECK

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Over the past 25 years, most researchers adopted either a direct or mediated effects perspective towards understanding the impact of leadership. Regardless of which approach was used, however, researchers have framed leadership as the “origin” of changes in staff and student performance. As far back as 1970 Bridges asserted that this assumption distorts our view of leadership in organizations, and as recently as 1988 Pitner proposed a reciprocal model of leadership effects. Only recently, however, have scholars begun to explore the potential of reciprocal models in empirical studies. The proposed paper explores the conceptual, methodological and policy implications of adopting a reciprocal effects perspective on the study of leadership and school improvement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2010
Event2010 Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association : Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World - Denver, United States
Duration: 30 Apr 201004 May 2010


Conference2010 Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association : Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World
Abbreviated titleAERA2010
Country/TerritoryUnited States


Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. H. (2010, May). Studying school leadership as a reciprocal process: Conceptual, methodological, and policy implications. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, Denver, CO.


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