Students’ use of primary science blog for scientific investigation

Cherie LO, Man Tung Tony CHIM, Mei ZHONG, Wing Mui Winnie SO

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This study aims to investigate the use of blog as an inquiry-based approach on science investigation in primary education. This study elaborates a set of elements included in an effective science blog which helps students to record their learning process. Through the blog’s posts (including text, images and media objects content), students created their online journals while their inquiry learning process. A guideline of content to the blog and rubrics were given for groups of students to record and evaluate their process of science investigation. Teachers will serve as a facilitator under the approach of project-based inquiry. The results showed that students through the blog for constructing understandings, extension of knowledge, diverse perspectives, share data and resources, reflection and voice to all (Brownstein & Klein, 2006) . Copyright © 2009 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2009
EditorsSiu Cheung KONG, Hiroaki OGATA, Hans Christian ARNSETH, Carol K. K. CHAN, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Fanny KLETT, Jimmy LEE, Chen Chung LIU, Chee Kit LOOI, Marcelo MILRAD, Antonija MITROVIC, Kiyoshi NAKABAYASHI, Su Luan WONG, Stephen YANG
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe Hong Kong Institute of Education
ISBN (Print)9789868473539
Publication statusPublished - 2009


Lo, C., Chim, M.-T. T., Zhong, M., & So, W.-M. W. (2009). Students’ use of primary science blog for scientific investigation. In S. C. Kong, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE 2009 (pp. 992-994). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


  • Blog learning
  • Science investigation
  • Web 2.0
  • Project-based inquiry


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