Students’ perspectives on the process and effectiveness of a self-and peer-assessment strategy in learning web design within a wiki environment

Wing Shui NG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The complicated process of web design demands knowledge and skills in various domains. Even though web design criteria, guidelines and principles were suggested in the literature, few studies were found on how to enhance the effectiveness for a web design learning process. The speaker will report a study on the effectiveness of the implementation of a self-and peer-assessment strategy on learning web design. Students expressed that they became more active, serious, independent, critical and confident in the web design process. They also stated that they learned more and found the strategy beneficial. Copyright © 2013 MIT Departmental Seminar.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013


Ng, W. S. (2013, November). Students’ perspectives on the process and effectiveness of a self-and peer-assessment strategy in learning web design within a wiki environment. Paper presented at the MIT Departmental Seminar, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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